2024年6月最新影响因子数据已经更新,欢迎查询! 如果您对期刊系统有任何需求或者问题,欢迎
反馈给我们。出版社推荐: | 热 Springer Nature特刊征稿 | 新 Springer Nature新刊推荐 |
基本信息 | 登录收藏 | |||||||||||||||||||||
声誉 8.3 影响力 7.0 速度 8.4 | |||||||||||||||||||||
期刊ISSN | 0026-3672 | 微信扫码收藏此期刊 | ||||||||||||||||||||
E-ISSN | 1436-5073 | |||||||||||||||||||||
2023-2024最新影响因子 (数据来源于搜索引擎) | 5.4 点击查看影响因子趋势图 | |||||||||||||||||||||
实时影响因子 | 截止2024年10月29日:4.007 | |||||||||||||||||||||
2023-2024自引率 | 5.60%点击查看自引率趋势图 | |||||||||||||||||||||
五年影响因子 | 5 | |||||||||||||||||||||
JCI期刊引文指标 | 1.31 | |||||||||||||||||||||
h-index | 74 | |||||||||||||||||||||
CiteScore ( 2024年最新版) |
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期刊简介 |
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期刊官方网站 | https://www.springer.com/604 | |||||||||||||||||||||
期刊投稿格式模板 VIP专享 |
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通讯方式 | SPRINGER WIEN, SACHSENPLATZ 4-6, PO BOX 89, WIEN, AUSTRIA, A-1201 | |||||||||||||||||||||
出版商 | Springer Vienna | |||||||||||||||||||||
涉及的研究方向 | 化学-分析化学 | |||||||||||||||||||||
出版国家或地区 | AUSTRIA | |||||||||||||||||||||
出版语言 | English | |||||||||||||||||||||
出版周期 | Monthly | |||||||||||||||||||||
出版年份 | 1937 | |||||||||||||||||||||
年文章数 | 461点击查看年文章数趋势图 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Gold OA文章占比 | 8.28% | |||||||||||||||||||||
研究类文章占比: 文章 ÷(文章 + 综述) | 95.44% | |||||||||||||||||||||
WOS期刊SCI分区 ( 2023-2024年最新版) | WOS分区等级:1区
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中国科学院《国际期刊预警 名单(试行)》名单 | 2024年02月发布的2024版:不在预警名单中 2023年01月发布的2023版:不在预警名单中 2021年12月发布的2021版:不在预警名单中 2020年12月发布的2020版:不在预警名单中 | |||||||||||||||||||||
中国科学院SCI期刊分区 ( 2023年12月最新升级版) | 点击查看中国科学院SCI期刊分区趋势图
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中国科学院SCI期刊分区 ( 2022年12月升级版) |
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中国科学院SCI期刊分区 ( 2021年12月旧的升级版) |
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SCI期刊收录coverage | Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE) (2020年1月,原SCI撤销合并入SCIE,统称SCIE) Scopus (CiteScore) | |||||||||||||||||||||
PubMed Central (PMC)链接 | http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/nlmcatalog?term=0026-3672%5BISSN%5D | |||||||||||||||||||||
平均审稿速度 | 期刊官网数据: 平均52 days, Submission to first decision 112 days, Submission to acceptance 网友分享经验: 平均1.4个月 | |||||||||||||||||||||
平均录用比例 | 网友分享经验: 33% | |||||||||||||||||||||
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快看看作者怎么说吧:服务好评 论文致谢 | |||||||||||||||||||||
收稿范围 | 期刊官网数据: 期刊涵盖微米/纳米材料的基础研究、实际应用及新方法,例如微米和纳米形状的颗粒、上转换粒子、量子点、微米/纳米线、分子框架、介孔和纳米多孔材料、薄膜、混合材料以及相关的纳米尺寸物质等各个方面。 期刊涵盖微米或纳米材料的研究新方法,重点在于:基于使用(新型的)微/纳米材料相关的化学、生化分析方法的创新型研究 | |||||||||||||||||||||
收录体裁 | 期刊官网数据: Review article | |||||||||||||||||||||
编辑信息 | Editor-in-Chief Alberto Escarpa Department of Analytical Chemistry Chemical Research Institute “Andrés M. del Río” University of Alcalá 28871 Alcalá de Henares Madrid, Spain Email: alberto.escarpa@uah.es Mamas (Mamantos) I. Prodromidis University of Ioannina Department of Chemistry Laboratory of Analytical Chemistry Ioannina 45 110, GREECE Email: mprodrom@uoi.gr Managing Editors J. Oleksy-Frenzel, Berlin W. Frenzel, Berlin Email: mca.frenzel@t-online.de Senior Associate Editors J. C. Claussen, Ames, USA Email: jcclauss@iastate.edu G. Evtugyn, Kazan, Russian Federation Email: gevtugyn@gmail.com D. L. Giokas, Ioannina, Greece Email: dgiokas@uoi.gr T. Hirsch, Regensburg, Germany Email: Thomas.Hirsch@ur.de J. Kosman, Poznan, Poland Email: kosman@amu.edu.pl T. Nann, Callaghan, Australia Email: thomas.nann@newcastle.edu.au P. Skládal, Brno, Czech Republic Email: skladal@chemi.muni.cz L. Ye, Lund, Sweden Email: lei.ye@tbiokem.lth.se Y. Zhang, Singapore Email: biezy@nus.edu.sg Associate Editors D. Christodouleas Email: Dionysios_Christodouleas@uml.edu S. de Marcos Email: smarcos@unizar.es A.V. Markin Email: av_markin@mail.ru A. Martín-Galán Email: aida12martin@gmail.com S. Nevolová Email: Bidmanova.S@seznam.cz A. Perro Email: adeline.perro@enscbp.fr C.D. Stalikas Email: cstalika@uoi.gr F. Tsopelas Email: ftsop@central.ntua.gr M. Vaculovičová Email:Marketa.Ryvolova@seznam.cz D. Vilela-Garcia Email: dianavg86@gmail.com D. Zigah Email: dodzi.zigah@u-bordeaux.fr Advisory Editorial Board D. Belder, Institut für Analytische Chemie, Universität Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany L. F. Capitan-Vallvey, Department of Analytical Chemistry, University of Granada, Granada, Spain Xi Chen, Department of Chemistry, Xiamen University, Xiamen, China Boris B. Dzantiev, A.N.Bach Institute of Biochemistry, Research Center of Biotechnology Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia J. Galbán, Department of Analytical Chemistry, University of Zaragoza, Zaragoza, Spain Qingli Hao, School of Chemical Engineering, Nanjing University of Science andTechnology, Nanjing, China N. Hildebrandt, Laboratoire de Chimie Organique, Bioorganique, Réactivité et Analyse (COBRA), Université de Rouen Normandie, Mont-Saint-Aignan, France A. Kuhn, Le Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Institute of Molecular Sciences, Talence, France O. Lev, Division of Environmental Science, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel Gongke Li, School of Chemistry, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China Guodong Liu, North Dakota State University, Analytical Chemistry - Bioassay, Fargo, USA Yitao Long, Key Laboratory for Advanced Materials & Department of Chemistry, East China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai, China Xiliang Luo, Qingdao University of Science and Technology, College of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering, Qingdao, China A. Merkoci, Institute Catalá de Nanotecnologia, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain V. M. Mirsky, Faculty of Natural Sciences - Nanobiotechnology, Brandenburg University of Technology, Senftenberg, Germany C. O'Sullivan, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Chemical Engineering, Tarragona, Spain Jianfeng Ping, Zhejiang University, School of Biosystems Engineering and Food Science, Zhejiang, China M. Shamsipur, Department of Chemistry, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran T. Soukka, Department of Biotechnology, University of Turku, Turku, Finland N. S. Swami, Department of Electrical and Computational Engineering, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, USA Dian-Ping Tang, Institute of Analytical Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, Fuzhou University, Fuzhou, China Yadollah Yamini, Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Sciences, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran Iran | |||||||||||||||||||||
期刊常用信息链接 |
中国学者近期发表的论文 | |
1. | Ratiometric fluorescence sensing of formaldehyde in food samples based on bifunctional MOF Author: Zuo, Ya-Nan; Zhao, Xian-En; Xia, Yinghui; Liu, Zhi-Ang; Sun, Jing; Zhu, Shuyun; Liu, Huwei Journal: MICROCHIMICA ACTA. 2023; Vol. 190, Issue 1, pp. -. DOI: 10.1007/s00604-022-05607-9 PubMed DOI |
2. | Ultrasensitive detection of multiple cancer biomarkers by a triple cascade amplification strategy in combination with single particle inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry Author: Zhu, Yan-Li; Wang, Ji-Kai; Chen, Zeng-Ping; Zhao, Yu-Jie; Yu, Ru-Qin Journal: MICROCHIMICA ACTA. 2023; Vol. 190, Issue 1, pp. -. DOI: 10.1007/s00604-022-05604-y PubMed DOI |
3. | ssDNA-C3N4 conjugates-based nanozyme sensor array for discriminating mycotoxins Author: Zhu, Jing; Xu, Wenxing; Yang, Ye; Kong, Rongmei; Wang, Junmei Journal: MICROCHIMICA ACTA. 2023; Vol. 190, Issue 1, pp. -. DOI: 10.1007/s00604-022-05593-y PubMed DOI |
4. | Carbon quantum dots with pH-responsive orange-/red-light emission for fluorescence imaging of intracellular pH Author: Zhu, Jiantao; Chu, Huiyuan; Shen, Jiwei; Wang, Chaozhan; Wei, Yinmao Journal: MICROCHIMICA ACTA. 2023; Vol. 190, Issue 1, pp. -. DOI: 10.1007/s00604-022-05605-x PubMed DOI |
5. | 3-Aminophenylboronic acid-functionalized molybdenum disulfide quantum dots for fluorescent determination of hypochlorite Author: Zhong, Yaping; Guo, Lijuan; Lu, Zhentan; Wang, Dong Journal: MICROCHIMICA ACTA. 2023; Vol. 190, Issue 1, pp. -. DOI: 10.1007/s00604-022-05598-7 PubMed DOI |
6. | A novel sandwich impedimetric immunosensor for detection of apolipoprotein-A1 based on the gold nanoparticle-hybridized mercapto-beta-cyclodextrin-Pb(II) metal-organic framework Author: Zhang, Xiaolei; Qi, Jilan; Zhang, Qiangyan; Xue, Ying; Meng, Fei; Zhang, Junying; Liu, Yuanhua; Yang, Gongjun; Wu, Chunyong Journal: MICROCHIMICA ACTA. 2023; Vol. 190, Issue 1, pp. -. DOI: 10.1007/s00604-022-05618-6 PubMed DOI |
7. | A sensing platform based on Cu-MOF encapsulated Dawson-type polyoxometalate crystal material for electrochemical detection of xanthine Author: Zhang, Li; Li, Chao; Li, Fengbo; Li, Shaobin; Ma, Huiyuan; Gu, Feng Journal: MICROCHIMICA ACTA. 2023; Vol. 190, Issue 1, pp. -. DOI: 10.1007/s00604-022-05601-1 PubMed DOI |
8. | Zeolitic imidazolate frameworks as light-responsive oxidase-like mimics for the determination of adenosine triphosphate and discrimination of phenolic pollutants Author: Yin, Shi-Jun; Chen, Guo-Ying; Zhang, Chun-Yan; Wang, Jia-Li; Yang, Feng-Qing Journal: MICROCHIMICA ACTA. 2023; Vol. 190, Issue 1, pp. -. DOI: 10.1007/s00604-022-05602-0 PubMed DOI |
9. | Aqueous phase synthesis of ion-imprinted cryogel for paper-based colorimetric detection of As(V) with high selectivity Author: Yin, Fengqin; Yang, Hongzhi; Liu, Xueting; Mo, Yeling; Ye, Tai; Cao, Hui; Yuan, Min; Xu, Fei Journal: MICROCHIMICA ACTA. 2023; Vol. 190, Issue 1, pp. -. DOI: 10.1007/s00604-022-05564-3 PubMed DOI |
10. | Photoelectrochemical biosensor based on DNA aptamers and dual nano-semiconductor heterojunctions for accurate and selective sensing of chloramphenicol Author: Yao, Jun; Zeng, Xiang Journal: MICROCHIMICA ACTA. 2023; Vol. 190, Issue 1, pp. -. DOI: 10.1007/s00604-022-05573-2 PubMed DOI |
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