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中国学者近期发表的论文 | |
1. | The value and historical meaning of freehand brushwork in figure painting of the Song Dynasty Author: Zou, Xiangping Journal: VOPROSY ISTORII. 2023; Vol. 3, Issue 1, pp. 154-163. DOI: 10.31166/VoprosyIstorii202303Statyi25 DOI |
2. | Chinese shadow play art: ways of inheritance Author: Zhu Yingjie Journal: VOPROSY ISTORII. 2023; Vol. 2, Issue 1, pp. 220-229. DOI: 10.31166/VoprosyIstorii202302Statyi28 DOI |
3. | A study on the development and evolution of mutual word borrowing between Hokkien and Tagalog Author: Zhu Titi; Su Jinzhi; Lan Min Journal: VOPROSY ISTORII. 2023; Vol. 2, Issue 1, pp. 262-281. DOI: 10.31166/VoprosyIstorii202302Statyi10 DOI |
4. | The source of modernist innovation or illusion: an analysis of Zeitgeist in the design history of Nikolaus Pevsner Author: Zhu Jinhua Journal: VOPROSY ISTORII. 2023; Vol. 1, Issue 2, pp. 272-277. DOI: 10.31166/VoprosyIstorii202301Statyi43 DOI |
5. | The history of the development of Chinese vocal music art before and after the founding of the New China: reforms and innovations Author: Zhou Yuanyuan Journal: VOPROSY ISTORII. 2023; Vol. 1, Issue 1, pp. 254-261. DOI: 10.31166/VoprosyIstorii202301Statyi07 DOI |
6. | The development of Russian aesthetics in the 21st century Author: Zhao Xinzhu Journal: VOPROSY ISTORII. 2023; Vol. 3, Issue 1, pp. 194-203. DOI: 10.31166/VoprosyIstorii202303Statyi30 DOI |
7. | Russian literary awards and the development of modern literature Author: Zhao Xinzhu; Tian Shi Shun Journal: VOPROSY ISTORII. 2023; Vol. 3, Issue 2, pp. 166-169. DOI: 10.31166/VoprosyIstorii202303Statyi68 DOI |
8. | Narrative strategy and inspiration of the Russian animated film series The Three Bogatyrs Author: Zhao Tingting; Xi Dongxiao Journal: VOPROSY ISTORII. 2023; Vol. 3, Issue 1, pp. 146-153. DOI: 10.31166/VoprosyIstorii202303Statyi29 DOI |
9. | The themes and the artistic conceptions of flower-and-bird painting in Ming Dynasty Author: Zhang Yingqi Journal: VOPROSY ISTORII. 2023; Vol. 3, Issue 2, pp. 176-183. DOI: 10.31166/VoprosyIstorii202303Statyi65 DOI |
10. | The evolution of music style of the Romantic period's piano works Author: Zhang Qianrong Journal: VOPROSY ISTORII. 2023; Vol. 3, Issue 2, pp. 184-191. DOI: 10.31166/VoprosyIstorii202303Statyi74 DOI |
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