2024年6月最新影响因子数据已经更新,欢迎查询! 如果您对期刊系统有任何需求或者问题,欢迎
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基本信息 | 登录收藏 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
期刊名字![]() | Nanoscale Research Letters NANOSCALE RES LETT (此期刊被最新的JCR期刊SCIE收录) LetPub评分 6.4
声誉 7.0 影响力 5.4 速度 9.1 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
期刊ISSN | 1931-7573 | 微信扫码收藏此期刊 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
E-ISSN | 1556-276X | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2023-2024最新影响因子 (数据来源于搜索引擎) | 5.5 点击查看影响因子趋势图 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
实时影响因子 | 截止2024年3月26日:5.426 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2023-2024自引率 | 0.00%点击查看自引率趋势图 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
五年影响因子 | 5.5 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
JCI期刊引文指标 | 0.8 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
h-index | 81 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
CiteScore ( 2024年最新版) |
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中国科学院SCI期刊分区 ( 2022年12月升级版) |
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中国科学院SCI期刊分区 ( 2021年12月旧的升级版) |
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收稿范围 | 期刊官网数据: 期刊涉及主题广泛,包括:纳米结构材料的合成、制造和加工、纳米操作、光刻、图形和印刷、纳米尺度下的特性表征;纳米结构的光学、电学、磁学、结构、振动和机械特性、半导体、金属、电介质、超导体、陶瓷和生物材料等纳米基础结构材料等。 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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编辑信息 | Founding Editor Zhiming M. Wang, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, China Editors-in-Chief Jiang Wu, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, China Yu-Lun Chueh, National Tsing-Hua University, Taiwan Associate Editors Anna Baldycheva, University of Exeter, UK Jake E. Barralet, McGill University, Canada Jianmin Li, ZheJiang University, China Yanbo Li, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, China Guozhen Shen, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China Editorial Board Pulickel M. Ajayan, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, United States of America Yasuhiko Arakawa, University of Tokyo, Japan Yoshinobu Baba, Nagoya University, Japan Aaron Bensimon, Pasteur Institute, France Flemming Besenbacher, University of Aarhus, Denmark Dieter Bimberg, Technische Universität, Germany Thomas Bjørnholm, University of Copenhagen, Denmark Steven R.J. Brueck, University of New Mexico, United States of America Roberto Cingolani, National Nanotechnology Laboratory, Italy Bo Cui, University of Waterloo, Canada Daxiang Cui, Shanghai JiaoTong University, China Zhiyong Fan, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong Alexander Govorov, Ohio University, United States of America Xiangyun Guo, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China Itaru Hamachi, Kyoto University, Japan Mohamed Henini, University of Nottingham, United Kingdom Chennupati Jagadish, Australian National University, Australia Eli Kapon, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Switzerland Youn Sang Kim, Seoul National University, Korea Naoki Kishimoto, National Institute for Materials Science, Japan Sanjeev Kumar, University College London, United Kingdom Max G. Lagally, University of Wisconsin, United States of America Lincoln J. Lauhon, Northwestern University, United States of America Jihoon Lee, Kwangwoon University, Republic of Korea Shu-Shen Li, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China Hanjo Lim, Ajou University, South Korea Emmanouil E. Lioudakis, The Cyprus Institute, Cyprus Ke Lu, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China Yalin Lu, University of Science and Technology of China, China Muhammad Maqbool, Ball State University, United States of America Euclydes Marega, Jr., University of Sao Paulo, Brazil Hadis Morkoç, Virginia Commonwealth University, United States of America Jiang Qi, University College London, United Kingdom Yury Rakovich, Trinity College, Ireland Ramamoorthy Ramesh, University of California, United States of America Peter Reiss, Atomic Energy Commission (CEA), France Harry E. Ruda, University of Toronto, Canada Gregory J. Salamo, University of Arkansas, United States of America Oliver Schmidt, IFW Dresden e.V., Germany Kuniharu Takei, Osaka Prefecture University, Japan Nelson Tansu, Lehigh University, United States of America Daniel Wagner, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel Chuan Wang, Michigan State University, United States of America Dayang Wang, Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces, Germany Enge Wang, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China Zhong-Lin Wang, Georgia Institute of Technology, United States of America Paul S Weiss, University of California, United States of America Dongfeng Xue, Shandong University, China Qi-kun Xue, Tsinghua University, China Xiang Zhang, University of California, United States of America Alex Zunger, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, United States of America | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
期刊常用信息链接 |
中国学者近期发表的论文 | |
1. | Low-Power Resistive Switching Characteristic in HfO2/TiOx Bi-Layer Resistive Random-Access Memory. Author: Ding X1, Feng Y1, Huang P2, Liu L3, Kang J1. Journal: Nanoscale Res Lett. 2019 May 9;14(1):157. doi: 10.1186/s11671-019-2956-4. PubMed DOI |
2. | High-Performance All-Optical Terahertz Modulator Based on Graphene/TiO2/Si Trilayer Heterojunctions. Author: Wei M1, Zhang D1, Li Y1, Zhang L1, Jin L2, Wen T1, Bai F1, Zhang H3. Journal: Nanoscale Res Lett. 2019 May 10;14(1):159. doi: 10.1186/s11671-019-2996-9. PubMed DOI |
3. | The sintering temperature effect on electrochemical properties of Ce0.8Sm0.05Ca0.15O2-δ (SCDC)-La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3-δ (LSCF) heterostructure pellet. Author: Nie X1, Chen Y1, Mushtaq N1, Rauf S1, Wang B2, Dong W1, Wang X1, Wang H3, Zhu B4. Journal: Nanoscale Res Lett. 2019 May 14;14(1):162. doi: 10.1186/s11671-019-2979-x. PubMed DOI |
4. | Wafer-Scale Fabrication of Sub-10 nm TiO2-Ga2O3 n-p Heterojunctions with Efficient Photocatalytic Activity by Atomic Layer Deposition. Author: Xu H1, Han F1, Xia C1, Wang S1, Ramachandran RM2, Detavernier C2, Wei M3, Lin L3, Zhuiykov S4,5. Journal: Nanoscale Res Lett. 2019 May 14;14(1):163. doi: 10.1186/s11671-019-2991-1. PubMed DOI |
5. | In2S3 Quantum Dots: Preparation, Properties and Optoelectronic Application. Author: Li R1,2, Tang L3,4, Zhao Q5, Ly TH6, Teng KS7, Li Y8, Hu Y2, Shu C2, Lau SP9. Journal: Nanoscale Res Lett. 2019 May 14;14(1):161. doi: 10.1186/s11671-019-2992-0. PubMed DOI |
6. | A 29Si, 1H, and 13C Solid-State NMR Study on the Surface Species of Various Depolymerized Organosiloxanes at Silica Surface. Author: Protsak IS1,2,3, Morozov YM2,4, Dong W1,3, Le Z5, Zhang D6, Henderson IM7. Journal: Nanoscale Res Lett. 2019 May 14;14(1):160. doi: 10.1186/s11671-019-2982-2. PubMed DOI |
7. | Enhanced Reliability of a-IGZO TFTs with a Reduced Feature Size and a Clean Etch-Stopper Layer Structure. Author: Chung JM1,2, Wu F1, Jeong SW3, Kim JH2, Xiang Y4. Journal: Nanoscale Res Lett. 2019 May 16;14(1):165. doi: 10.1186/s11671-019-3001-3. PubMed DOI |
8. | One-Step In Situ Self-Assembly of Cypress Leaf-Like Cu(OH)2 Nanostructure/Graphene Nanosheets Composite with Excellent Cycling Stability for Supercapacitors. Author: Zhai Z1, You Y2, Ma L1, Jiang D1, Li F1, Yuan H1, Zheng M3,4, Shen W1. Journal: Nanoscale Res Lett. 2019 May 17;14(1):167. doi: 10.1186/s11671-019-3000-4. PubMed DOI |
9. | Highly Sensitive and Stable SERS Substrate Fabricated by Co-sputtering and Atomic Layer Deposition. Author: Yin G1,2, Bai S1,2, Tu X1, Li Z1,2, Zhang Y1,2, Wang W3, Lu J4, He D1,2. Journal: Nanoscale Res Lett. 2019 May 18;14(1):168. doi: 10.1186/s11671-019-2997-8. PubMed DOI |
10. | Optical Performance of Top-Down Fabricated AlGaN Nanorod Arrays with Multi-Quantum Wells Embedded. Author: Ge S1, Dai J2, Gao N1, Lu S1, Li P1, Huang K3, Liu B4, Kang J1, Zhang R1,2, Zheng Y2. Journal: Nanoscale Res Lett. 2019 May 21;14(1):170. doi: 10.1186/s11671-019-3003-1. PubMed DOI |
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