李龙 中国人民解放军第四军医大学西京医院 | 服务评价LetPub的论文修改润色服务很靠谱,非常适合初次进行SCI投稿人修改范例文章已发表在SCI期刊 NEUROSCIENCE(最新中科院SCI期刊分区:3区),标题为: Inflammatory Factors Predicted the Resilient Phenotype in Social Defeat-induced Depression of Male Mouse(点击链接可查看全文)发表时间:2024-01-30 15:50:05 |
薛冰洁 中国中医科学院西苑医院 | 服务评价这是第一次使用LetPub的服务,专家提的意见很好,很专业,我当时是第二次了,评审人说这是最后一次机会了,结果在给到专家修改后,评审人就说没有问题了,很顺利,总共6个月就接收了。修改范例文章已发表在SCI期刊 NEUROSCIENCE(最新中科院SCI期刊分区:3区),标题为: Astragaloside IV Protects Primary Cerebral Cortical Neurons from Oxygen and Glucose Deprivation/Reoxygenation by Activating the PKA/CREB Pathway(点击链接可查看全文)发表时间:2019-07-09 11:46:44 |
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客户发表文章致谢近期发表在SCI期刊《NEUROSCIENCE》的文章(最新中科院SCI期刊分区:3区),标题为: NEMO-binding domain peptides alleviate perihematomal inflammation injury after experimental intracerebral hemorrhage(点击链接可查看全文),在Acknowledgments部分提We thank LetPub (www.letpub.com) for its linguistic assistance during the preparation of this manuscript.----------Qinghua Luo, Department of Neurology, The Second Affiliated Hospital of Nanchang University, No. 1, Minde Road, Nanchang 330006, Jiangxi Province, China | |
客户发表文章致谢近期发表在SCI期刊《Neuroscience》的文章(最新中科院SCI期刊分区:3区),标题为: Activation of Parvalbumin Neurons in the Rostro-Dorsal Sector of the Thalamic Reticular Nucleus Promotes Sensitivity to Pain in Mice(点击链接可查看全文),在Acknowledgments部分提We thank LetPub (www.letpub.com) for its linguistic assistance during the preparation of this manuscript.----------Liu, Jing, Department of Anatomy, Histology and Embryology, State Key Laboratory of Medical Neurobiology, School of Basic Medical Sciences, The Institutes of Brain Science and Collaborative Innovation Center for Brain Science, Fudan University, Shanghai, China | |
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