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P Squire, D Walk, G Irving… - Clinical Pain …, 2011 - Wiley Online Library
... This chapter reviews common laboratory, imaging and neurological investiga- tions for assessment
of patients with chronic pain disorders. Common l aboratory, i maging and n eurological i
nvestigations for the p atient with c hronic p ain Laboratory i nvestigations ...
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CA Bridges, AS Sefat, EA Payzant… - Journal of Solid State …, 2011 - Elsevier
... S tructureand M agnetic O rderinthe S eries B ix RE 1 - x F e 0 . 5 M n 0 . 5 O 3 ( RE = L a , N d )
C . A . B ridgesa * , A . S . S efatb , E . A . P ayzantb , L . C ranswickc * * and M . P . P aranthamanaa
C hemical S ciences D ivision , O ak R idge N ational L aboratory , O ak R idge , T ...
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[PDF] from unirioja.esR Gómez Aguilar… - Latin-American Journal of …, 2011 - dialnet.unirioja.es
Abstract We describe the implementation of an inexpensive spin-coating system to deposit thin
films of materials dissolved in a volatile solvent. The system can be easily built with interdisciplinary
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[PDF] from pharmscidirect.comFO Omoya… - Int J Pharm, 2011 - pharmscidirect.com
... In o arvicidal activ olymyxa and nopheles mos aboratory cond . MATERIAL ... 2 Entomopath This
study University of T ousefly were atural breedi ousefly aroun aboratory, adu etri dish co riplicate).
The washing away millimetre was 0-4 and 0.1 of molten nutrient one at 37°C rowth. ...
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A Indra, PR Rajamohanan, CS Gopinath… - Applied Catalysis A: …, 2011 - Elsevier
... E -mail: lahi ri@chem.iitb.ac.in b C entral N MR facil it y , National C hemical L aboratory, Pune
-411008, India c C atal ysis Division, National C hemica l L aboratory, Pune -411008, India d
Department of Chemistry, Northw estern Universi ty, Evanston, IL60208, USA. ...

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