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R Li - Advances in Education and Management, 2011 - Springer
... has become the inevitable trend of hotel industry development.This paper takes green hotel in
china as an example,studies on the measures for energy saving, such as adopting advanced
technology, green procurement,green room,green food, green service, government's ...

[CITATION] Cheap, Green, Food-Friendly Biofuel Produced in India

T Padma - viewed on, 2011
Cited by 2
W Hao - Applied Economics, Business and Development, 2011 - Springer
Abstract. With the development of economy and the improvement of income level, green food's
demand is growing, and consumer's consumption psychology and behavior are also have
changed. For green food enterprise, only caught consumers' psychology and behavior ...
…, M Onial, A Balmford, RE Green - Science, 2011 - sciencemag.org
The question of how to meet rising food demand at the least cost to biodiversity requires the evaluation
of two contrasting alternatives: land sharing, which integrates both objectives on the same
land; and land sparing, in which high-yield farming is combined with protecting natural ...
Cited by 1
…, G Montgomery, N Hayward, AC Green… - The Journal of …, 2011 - Am Soc Nutrition
Folate plays a key role in DNA synthesis and methylation. Limited evidence suggests high intake
may reduce risks of esophageal cancer overall; however, associations with esophageal cancer
subtypes and Barrett's esophagus (BE), a precancerous lesion, remain unexplored. We ...
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