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P Snider… - Progress in molecular biology and …, 2011 - ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Congenital heart defects (CHDs) impact in utero embryonic viability, children, and surviving
adults. Since the first transfer of genes into mice, transgenic mouse models have enabled researchers
to experimentally study and genetically test the roles of genes in development, ...
Cited by 1 - All 2 versions
G Babis, VI Sakellariou, G Mazis… - Orthopaedic …, 2011 - JBJS (Br)
From 2001 to 2006, 36 consecutive cemented THAs with a history of congenital hip disease were
revised due to aseptic loosening (31 cases), stem fracture (3 cases), septic loosening (2
case). There were thirty patients, all females, with a mean age at revision 61.7 years ...
[PDF] from heart.orgVL Roger, AS Go, DM Lloyd-Jones, RJ Adams… - Circulation, 2011 - Am Heart Assoc
Each year, the American Heart Association (AHA), in conjunction with the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention, the National Institutes of Health, and other government agencies, brings
together the most up-to-date statistics on heart disease, stroke, other vascular diseases, ...
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A Imperatori, D Corsi, A Fontana… - Journal of …, 2011 - journals.lww.com
... CCTGA is a rare congenital disease characterized by concomitant atrio-ventricular and
ventricle–arterial discordance. ... The possibility of performing 3D echocardiography in patients
with congenital disease represents an additional tool when the diagnosis remains uncertain. ...
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A Deshmukh, SS Sharma, FG Gobal… - …, 2011 - Eur Heart Rhythm Assoc

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