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C Reta‐Tang, J Simmons, W Whiteside, J Cai… - 2011 - link.aip.org
Here we present a case study of improved subsalt imaging for a wide azimuth (WAZ) survey
in the Mississippi Canyon/Atwater Valley area in the Gulf of Mexico. The key technologies to
impact the subsalt images are: 1) WAZ acquisition, 2) True Azimuth Multiple Elimination ( ...
TA Kato, N Shinfuku, D Fujisawa, M Tateno… - Journal of Affective …, 2011 - Elsevier
Japanese psychiatrists have increasingly reported patients with depression that does not seem
to fit the criteria of the ICD-10 and the DSM-IV, and which has recently been called modern type
depression (MTD). We explored whether MTD is frequently seen in Japan and also in ...
[PDF] from arxiv.orgAB Mingarelli - Arxiv preprint arXiv:1106.6013, 2011 - arxiv.org
∗This research is supported, in part, by grant U0167 of the Natural Sciences and Engineering
Research Council of Canada and a NSERC University Research Fellowship. †The original version
of this article appeared with minor changes in “A survey of the regu- lar weighted Sturm- ...
Cited by 25 - Related articles - All 4 versions
J Tadokoro, K Kakihata, M Shimazaki… - Japanese Journal of …, 2011 - FPCR
... Next Section. Abstract. Objective The actual condition of drug utilization and the adverse drug
reactions profile of irinotecan hydrochloride hydrate (irinotecan), an antitumor drug, were
examined on the basis of all the case survey results from April 1995 to January 2000. ...
Cited by 3
MW Bunting, KS Jaaback… - International Journal of …, 2011 - journals.lww.com
Current international guidelines recommend routine hysterectomy in the initial surgical management
of epithelial ovarian cancer. However, there seems to be limited evidence to support these
recommendations. We examined the data for a series of women undergoing ...

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