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中国作者撰写英语论文中的一些常见问题续1- LetPub SCI论文写作系列17


• CAUSE, PROVE: The words “cause” and “prove” are problem words and need extra caution in scientific writing. Demonstrating causality requires much more than a single statistical test (authors should do some background reading on this issue). Using a null hypothesis testing procedure means that we can never “prove” any hypothesis, because all we get is a probability that the null hypothesis can be rejected. Therefore, there is always a possibility, perhaps small, that we might be rejecting the null hypothesis in error (it might, in fact, be correct – this is known as a Type I error).

“cause”和“prove”是问题单词,在科技论文写作中需要引起格外注意,除非非常确定,否则一定要慎用。证明因果关系(causality)比单一的统计检验的要求要多的多(在这个问题上作者应该阅读一些相关背景的材料)。使用空的假设检验意味着我们永远不能“证明(prove)”任何假设,因为我们所得到的只是一个可能被拒绝的零假设。概率上说我们总可能会错误地拒绝零假设。(这种可能性或许很小,但可能其实是正确的 - 这就是所谓的I型错误)。


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