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for all we/I/you know 正如我们/我/你所知 (短语)

确切地说,是"for all one knows" “众所周知”

这个短语的意思,有点像是"not only do we not know but we're not in a position to find out." “我们不仅不知道,也无从证明。”

"With our X-ray and MRI machines broken, for all we know, there are twenty parakeets doing the can-can in the patient's abdomen!" “由于我们的X射线和核磁共振机器坏了,我们都知道,在病人的腹部有20个小鹦鹉在跳康康舞。”(说话者并不认为鸟儿在病人体内跳舞,只是指出没有人能证明没有而已。)

"We know more about the surface of Mars than we do about the bottom of the ocean. For all we know, there is a real intelligent civilization right under our noses! ...well, a few miles under them." “我们对火星表面的了解比我们对海底的了解还要多。就我们所知,在我们的眼皮底下,有一个真正的智慧文明!……嗯,就在他们往下几英里的地方。”(说话者认为海底可能有智慧生命存在,但这句话的意思仍然是没有人能证明是否存在。)

"With respect, you are the only person in this room without a computer science degree. For all you know, C++ is the opposite of C--." “恕我直言,你是这个房间里唯一没有计算机科学学位的人。就你所知,C++只是与C—相反而已。”

"Ha! The other football team has no idea that we have become a much tougher squad to beat. For all they know, it'll be an easy win!" “哈哈!另一支足球队完全不知道我们已经变成了一支难以击败的强队。他们都以为,他们将会赢得很轻松!”


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