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G Yang, M Veres, G Szalai, A Zhang… - Annals of biomedical …, 2011 - Springer
Abstract—Water transport across the cell plasma membrane and intracellular ice formation
(IIF)—the two biophysical events that may cause cell injury during cryopreserva- tion—were studied
by cryomicroscopy and modeling using mammalian (Peromyscus) oocytes. Unusually ...
Cited by 2 - Related articles - All 5 versions

[CITATION] P72. Nitric oxide, nitrite and nitrate biotransport model in the microcirculation

P Deonikar… - Nitric Oxide, 2011 - Elsevier
RJ Roselli… - Biotransport: Principles and Applications, 2011 - Springer
The objective of building a model of a transport process is to predict the behavior of a system
under a specified set of operating conditions or to understand the interplay among various factors
that contribute to a process of interest. Models can be either mathematical models or ...
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RJ Roselli… - 2011 - books.google.com
Robert J. Roselli, Ph.D. Vanderbilt University Dept. Biomedical Engineering Nashville, Tennessee
USA robert.j.roselli@vanderbilt.edu Kenneth R. Diller, Sc.D. University of Texas, Austin
Dept. Biomedical Engineering Austin, Texas USA kdiller@mail.utexas.edu ISBN ...
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RJ Roselli… - Biotransport: Principles and Applications, 2011 - Springer
Biotransport is concerned with understanding the movement of mass, momentum, energy, and
electrical charge in living systems and devices with biological or medical applications. It is often
subdivided into four disciplines: biofluid mechan- ics, bioheat transfer, biomass transfer, ...

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