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S Smale - Topologia differenziale, 2011 - Springer
1 ) S. Smale ... (Similarly one can define aer topolo- gy, 1, r ~ 00, see [71 ). Then X is structurally
stable if given f >0, there exists J> 0 such that if a vector field Y on M sa- ...
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A Winn, E Elle, S Kalisz, PO Cheptou, CG Eckert… - 2011 - datadryad.org
Hermaphroditic individuals can produce both selfed and outcrossed progeny, termed mixed
mating. General theory predicts that mixed-mating populations should evolve quickly toward
high rates of selfing, driven by rapid purging of genetic load and loss of inbreeding ...
[PDF] from umass.eduSE Encalada, L Szpankowski, C Xia… - Cell, 2011 - Elsevier
Kinesin and dynein are opposite-polarity microtubule motors that drive the tightly regulated transport
of a variety of cargoes. Both motors can bind to cargo, but their overall composition on axonal
vesicles and whether this composition directly modulates transport activity are unknown. ...
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[PDF] from au.dkG Winskel - 2011 - daimi.au.dk
These rather uneven lecture notes introduce a theory of two-party games still under
development. A lot can be said for a general theory to unify all manner of games found in the
literature. But this has not been the main motivation. That has been the development of a ...
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[HTML] from nih.gov…, F Wang, D Schillinger, EJ Pérez Stable… - Journal of Immigrant …, 2011 - Springer
Abstract As health systems strive to meet the needs of linguistically diverse patient
populations, determining a physician's non-English language proficiency is becoming increasingly
important. However, brief, validated measures are lacking. To determine if any of four self- ...
Cited by 3 - Related articles - All 4 versions

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