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A Herold… - Rural Surgery, 2011 - books.google.com
... To avoid huge wounds in very big ischio-or pelvi- rectal abscess cavities (eg a horseshoe-fistula),
a small incision with counter-incision might allow suf- ficient drainage. Special drainage catheters
are nor- mally restricted to few special cases (eg peritoneal expansion). ...
P Boccasanta, M Venturi, M Spennacchio… - Colorectal …, 2011 - Wiley Online Library
... through the layers of skin, subcutaneous fat, adductor magnus, obturator externus muscle,
obturator membrane, pubo-coccigeus muscle and anterior pelvi - rectal space. ... abscess after
Altemeiers' operation is < 2% 15,4) probably reflects all the anti-sepsis precautions taken : ...

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